Brand logo


Sven & Simona Haker Handelsagentur GbR


Brand logo, logo design, business stationery, business cards


Graphic Design, Logo design

About This Project

Design of a Brand logo for a commercial agency


Creation of a Brand logo – the trading agency Sven & Simona Haker GbR commissioned us as the Munich Brands & Web Agency to design a Brand logo.


The first ideas came up during the briefing. Because our client wanted a brand logo with reference to the virtues of Honorable merchant.


After an intensive exchange of ideas, we got down to work. We chose different images, such as an old Hamburg warehouse. It became the design motif that brought the desired Hanseatic values ​​to the point. The Hamburg coat of arms and a Hanseatic cog were also used. We put these pictures of action on the right and left of the door in our key visuals.


We felt that the content of the brand logo was defined. In the next step, we simplified these images into symbols. The challenge in designing this delicate graphic was to simplify it as much as possible, but it was still recognizable. A balancing act that we carried out in several steps.


At the end of this design process, we had created a brand logo that told the complex story of retail values ​​in the smallest of spaces. A company logo with detailed value.


For the business papers we arranged the name of the trading house in a circle around the key visual. This arrangement reinforced the appearance of a traditional company. In this way, the image and typography worked together like a stamp. And in this way reminds of the order confirmations of commercial contracts in earlier times.


Corporate identity & corporate design


After the figurative / word mark had matured into the final design, we were now able to form the business stationery and other media from it. This phase was primarily about developing all media of the marketing concept for a uniform brand design. Corporate identity & corporate design are the key words for professional quality.


Uniformity is the maxim for a recognizable brand presence for stationery, business cards and customer cards as well as for all other media.



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