Graphic Designer Events


Brand Design, Graphic Design, Poster Design

About This Project

Graphic Designer Events

We were particularly pleased to be commissioned with the graphic design of an event hosted by the Bavarian State Library in Munich in 2014. The exhibition titled Paul Heyse. A darling of the muses should on the occasion of his 100th anniversary of the death of the first German winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature.


Graphic Design Concept

As a graphic designer for events, we first developed the title motif. We brought an old black and white photograph by Paul Heyse to new life with a blue and sepia tint. A striking key visual emerged from this color alienation, which became formative for the appearance in all marketing media.


Graphic Designer exhibition application

A wealth of media was to be designed to advertise the exhibition. In addition to the poster design, a flyer and the exhibition catalogue, we also created illuminated banners in various formats, flags, stamps, advertisements and many other marketing media.



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Marlene Kern Design

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